Friday, July 10, 2009

"Finding the Passion"

On April 24, 2009 Mr. Jarrod Lamshed posted his thoughts on passion on this website. Let me just say that I believe Mr. Lamshed can make anybody feel passionate about being in this field. He hits the main point of becoming a teacher in this post. We need to help kids find what they are passionate about. Mr. Lamshed understands and promotes this and has miraculous outcomes! If you don't believe me just check out the song in it that one of his kids did from his class, truly awesome.
He also has a short movie with is a speech by Sir Ken Robinson in his post. The ideas and concerns he expresses are well worth addressing. He sees that we are all born creative people, that sadly we get educated out of it. We as educators have to make a conscious effort to allow children to explore in the things they can excel in. Thank you again Mr. Lamshed

1 comment:

  1. Educated out! You are correct (as is Mr. Lamshed), but what a shame!
